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CNA Clinical Training Sites


The South Carolina Department of Health and Human Services (SCDHHS) is updating agency policy to allow hospitals to serve as CNA clinical training sites. Effective Jan. 1, 2021, CNA candidates may receive the required 40 hours of clinical skills training in a hospital or approved nursing facility.

Existing CNA training programs that would like to expand clinical training to include hospitals must complete an application and obtain a signed agreement with each hospital training site. Clinical training site agreements must be signed by the program’s administrative authority and the facility within the past six months or specify the time for which the agreement is valid. The completed application and signed clinical training site agreement must be submitted to for review and approval.

Hospitals that would like to establish a new CNA training program that includes both classroom and clinical training must apply for and obtain approval from SCDHHS. The application and requirements for offering a nurse aide training program can be found at

All clinical training sites must be approved by SCDHHS before implementation. Clinical skills training must continue to be provided in accordance with federal regulation (42 CFR 483.152) and the South Carolina Nurse Aide Curriculum. Please refer any questions or concerns regarding this bulletin to

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