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ATTENTION: SCDHHS recently mailed the 2024 IRS 1099-MISC form to eligible Medicaid-enrolled providers that meet IRS-defined thresholds. Reprint requests will be accepted starting Feb. 24. Providers can request a reprint or submit an inquiry online or by calling the Provider Service Center at (888) 289-0709.




Proposed Public Notice for SCDMH Nursing Facilities

The South Carolina Department of Health and Human Services (SCDHHS), pursuant to the requirements of Section 1902(a)(13)(A) of the Social Security Act, gives notice of the following proposed actions regarding its methods and standards for paying providers under the State Plan under Title XIX of the Social Security Act Medical Assistance Program (Medicaid).

Effective for services provided on or after October 1, 2016, the SCDHHS proposes to amend the South Carolina (SC) Title XIX State Plan by revising the Medicaid rate setting methodology for the state owned governmental nursing facilities by using a more current base year cost reporting period (i.e. fiscal year 2015) and an updated trend factor based upon the midpoint to midpoint trending methodology.

The agency proposes to implement the above actions in order to update the prospective Medicaid rate using the most recent cost report data available.

The SCDHHS projects that based upon the proposed actions noted above, annual aggregate Medicaid fee for service expenditures for state owned governmental nursing facilities will increase by approximately $4.7 million (total dollars).

Copies of this notice are available at each County Department of Health and Human Services Office and at for public review. Additional information concerning the proposed action is available upon request at the address cited below.

Written comments may be sent to the Division of Long Term Care Reimbursements, South Carolina Department of Health and Human Services, Post Office Box 8206, Columbia, South Carolina 29202-8206. Comments may also be submitted to Written and e-mailed comments must be received by close of business September 29, 2016.

Any written comments submitted may be reviewed by the public at the SCDHHS, Division of Long Term Care Reimbursements, Room 1209, 1801 Main Street, Columbia, South Carolina, Monday through Friday between the hours of 9:00 A.M. and 5:00 P.M.

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