Updates to Adult Day Health Care Transportation
The South Carolina Department of Health and Human Services (SCDHHS) is transitioning adult day health care (ADHC) transportation for Healthy Connections Medicaid members within 15 miles of their ADHC to the state’s non-emergency medical transportation (NEMT) broker, Modivcare. Previously, transportation for trips less than 15 miles from the ADHC was provided directly by the ADHC while transportation for trips longer than 15 miles from the ADHC was provided by either the ADHC or the NEMT broker. This change is effective for dates of service on or after July 1, 2022.
Transitioning coverage to Modivcare will streamline and enhance the network for transportation by removing disparate requirements for Healthy Connections Medicaid members based on whether they were within or outside a 15-mile radius of their ADHC. This change is not expected to have an adverse impact on providers or Healthy Connections Medicaid members.
ADHC providers will have the option to contract directly with Modivcare to continue providing transportation. ADHC providers interested in contracting with Modivcare should contact Modivcare via email at SCNetwork@modivcare.com or by phone at (866) 910-7684.
Effective July 1, 2022, case managers will no longer authorize ADHC transportation separately. Authorizations for ADHC transportation that are currently in place will be terminated through the respective case management systems for the Community Choices, Community Supports and Intellectual Disability/Related Disabilities waivers as of June 30, 2022. Healthy Connections Medicaid members who utilize ADHC transportation will continue to access transportation through their ADHC provider.
Community Choices waiver providers and case managers should direct any questions related to this bulletin to SCDHHS program staff at MedicaidWaiver@scdhhs.gov. Community Supports and Intellectual Disability/Related Disabilities waiver case managers should direct any questions to South Carolina Department of Disabilities and Special Needs (SCDDSN) program staff Jennifer Jaques (JJaques@ddsn.sc.gov) or Melissa Ritter (MRitter@ddsn.sc.gov). Updated policy language will be available in the Community Long-Term Care provider manual by July 1, 2022.
Thank you for your continued support of the South Carolina Healthy Connections Medicaid program.