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In accordance with the requirements of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2023, the South Carolina Department of Health and Human Services (SCDHHS) resumed annual eligibility reviews for Healthy Connections Medicaid members’ annual reviews on April 1, 2023.

Our goal, as we work towards the restart of annual reviews, is to minimize the burden on our members and promote continuity of health coverage.

Providers should note that the temporary policy flexibilities SCDHHS created during the public health emergency (PHE), including changes to the state's existing telehealth program, remain tied to the status of the federal COVID-19 PHE. The federal PHE ended May 11, 2023. SCDHHS has issued guidance with updates to those flexibilities that is available at

How will we notify members?

The agency will try to renew Medicaid eligibility for members with info we already have. If we can determine a member is still eligible, we will mail a “Continuation of Benefits” notice to the member. They will not need to complete an annual review form. If we can’t determine eligibility with available data, we will send out an annual review form to complete. The form should be completed and returned by the deadline listed on the letter. This is approximately 30 days from the notice date.

Members should check their mail regularly and follow the instructions in any notice they receive from Healthy Connections Medicaid. We will also post updates on annual reviews on our social media channels (@SCMedicaid on Facebook and Twitter) and this website. We will also text members (if we have their cell phone number) to let them know it is time to complete their annual review form. These text messages will begin when a member receives the annual review form. They will receive a reminder at seven weeks, six weeks, four weeks, two weeks before and the week of the form’s due date.

How can Members Return Their Form?

Members should submit their review when it's time to renew. Members can complete and submit their annual review form online at If a member would like to complete the paper form, they can submit it using one of the methods below.

How can you help?

Providers and partners can help by relaying consistent and simple messages to Medicaid members. We have materials to help communicate with Medicaid members in our communications toolkit. These resources include a provider fact sheet to help answer any questions you may have.

Still have questions or need more help?

For added help, please contact the Provider Service Center from 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Thursday and 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Friday. You can also email

Please email if you would like someone from the agency to present to your organization about annual reviews.

COVID-19 Policy Flexibilities

Guidance on Medicaid policy flexibilities that were issued specific to the federal PHE is available here. Please email with questions about COVID-19 policy flexibilities.