Preferred Drug List Changes
Effective July 1, 2024, the South Carolina Department of Health and Human Services (SCDHHS) has implemented a single state-directed preferred drug list (PDL) for all participating managed care organizations (MCOs) and the fee-for-service (FFS) Medicaid program.
What is the Pharmacy Program?
The pharmacy program provides comprehensive prescription drug coverage for recipients enrolled in FFS Medicaid and the state's five MCOs. This program allows unlimited monthly prescriptions for Medicaid members and copay exemptions for certain drug classes.
- Resources
- Current Preferred Drug List (PDL)
- Managed Care Organization (MCO) Comprehensive Drug Lists
- Maximum Allowable Cost (MAC) Price Research Request Form
- Pharmacy Access Act Enrollment Training and Billing
- Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee
- Pharmacy Manual
- Pharmacy Override Information Grid
- Preferred Brand Over Generic List
- Prime Therapeutics Point-of-Sale Manual
- Prior Authorization Criteria for sPDL Medication Classes
- Single PDL Frequently Asked Questions
- South Carolina Pharmacy Services Prime Therapeutics Home Page