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Update on Continued Postponement of EVV Launch for SCDDSN-operated Waiver Program


On Nov. 22, 2022, the South Carolina Department of Health and Human Services (SCDHHS) announced it was postponing the launch of the electronic visit verification (EVV) system for providers who were rendering services through the three waivers operated by the South Carolina Department of Disabilities and Special Needs (SCDDSN) (the Community Supports [CS], Head and Spinal Cord Injury [HASCI] and Intellectual Disability and Related Disabilities [ID/RD] waivers).

As SCDHHS has continued to engage with providers and receive provider and stakeholder feedback, it has decided to evaluate other options for an EVV system that will meet the regulatory requirements of the 21st Century Cures Act while limiting any administrative burden on providers.

SCDHHS will update providers on future timelines related to the extension of EVV usage to in-home services provided through the SCDDSN-operated waiver programs as they become available.

The information listed above only pertains to providers who render services to participants in the waivers mentioned in this bulletin. This bulletin does not affect any EVV requirements for providers who render services through the state’s four community long-term care and children’s waiver programs (the Community Choices waiver, HIV/AIDS waiver, Ventilator Dependent waiver, and Medically Complex Children waiver).

Providers should direct any questions related to SCDHHS’ EVV requirements to

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