Immunizations are a required component of EPSDT screening services. An assessment of the child’s immunization status should be made at each screening and immunizations should be administered as appropriate. If a child is unable to be immunized due to illness, the reason for delay should be documented in the child’s record. If your practice does not routinely administer immunizations, then the child should be referred to the county health department for that service. The provider should still maintain a record of the child’s immunization status.
Medicaid Providers may obtain free vaccines from the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (SCDHEC) through the Vaccine for Children (VFC) program for children under the age of 19. Vaccines are delivered free of charge to the provider. SCDHEC will not distribute vaccines to provider not enrolled in Medicaid. Funding will determine the availability of vaccines through the program.
To make an application for the program, contact:
Division of Immunization and Prevention
SC Department of Health and Environmental Control Mills/Jarrett Complex
P.O. Box 101106
Columbia, SC 29211
(803) 898-0460 or (800) 27-SHOTS (74687) (outside of the Columbia area)
Immunization Resources