The Access and Care Coordination workgroup addresses barriers to optimal maternal and infant care in South Carolina. This workgroup aims to find solutions that will address health disparities among racial and ethnic groups, and between geographic regions. Its hope is to educate all parties: the patient, provider, community support groups and health systems.
Current areas of focus:
- Prenatal care (improved pre-pregnancy health education, nutrition, management of chronic disease) and post-partum care (quality/quantity of post-partum visits), especially for women with chronic conditions and from communities with adverse social determinants of health.
- Chronic disease management (improving detection, preventive interventions, planning for pregnancy, and adequacy of post-partum follow-up care).
- Reduction in congenital abnormalities (prenatal vitamin utilization, optimizing maternal health before conception).
Meeting Information
Co-chairs: Dr. Patricia Witherspoon & Dr. Timothy Lyons
When: First Wednesday of every month.
Time: 11 a.m.-12 p.m.
Join the Teams meeting online.
Meeting ID: 279 690 552 544
Passcode: bYqTvL