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State and Federal Reporting

State Performance Plan/Annual State Performance Reports 

Section 616 of the IDEA requires that each state submit a six-year State Performance Plan or SPP. The SPP must be developed and modified with broad stakeholder input and approved by the US Dept. of Education Office of Special Education Programs. Progress on the SPP is reported in the state’s Annual Performance Reports or APR. Beginning with FFY 2020, The Performance Plan is included in the Annual Performance Report document.

Each year, progress on South Carolina’s BabyNet Early Intervention System’s Performance Plan on SPP is reported to the US Dept. of Education Office of Special Education Programs in an Annual Performance Report (APR). Each APR is developed with broad stakeholder input.

State Performance Reports
IDEA Section 618 Annual Reports to Congress  

Section 618 of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) requires that each state submit data about the children they serve. This includes the number of children served, ethnicity and race, where services are delivered, the reasons families exit IDEA/Part C, and the results of any written complaints, mediation requests, or hearings requests.

The Office of Special Education Programs website provides public reports of IDEA Section 618 data and documentation associated with the data.

Information on the site includes:

  • IDEA Section 618 data files (historical and newly released data).
  • Data Documentation Files which will provide information about the data elements and format of the data files.
  • Data notes associated with the IDEA Section 618 data files.
  • Links to other sites that provide data and information on children with disabilities.
The number of children served, ethnicity/race, and where services are delivered: 
The number of children that exit IDEA/Part C grouped by the exit reason by race/ethnicity and age:
Dispute resolution data includes the number of written complaints, mediation requests and hearings:
State Systemic Improvement Plan (SSIP) 

The SSIP is a comprehensive, ambitious, yet achievable multi-year plan that states will develop to improve results for children with disabilities and their families.  The goal of the SSIP is to increase the capacity of Early Intervention System (EIS) programs, scale up and sustain evidence-based practices that will result in improved results.  Beginning with FFY 2020 SPP/APR, the SSIP report is embedded in the SPP/APR document.

SSIP Reports
Federal Determinations and Monitoring Reports 

Each year the Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) uses an Annual Performance Report and other data to make “determinations” about how states are meeting the requirements of the IDEA.   States are determined to be one of the following:  

Annual Local Performance Reports and Determinations 

Section 616 of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) requires that each state report data to the public by early intervention programs. Just like the Office of Special Education Programs at the US Dept. of Education, each state makes determinations about how local programs are meeting the requirements of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). These annual “determinations” are required by Section 616 of the IDEA and are based on a variety of data.

Local determinations
Local Performance

FFY 2022

FFY 2021 

FFY 2020 

FFY 2019 

FFY 2018 

Federal Grant Application